I wanted to take a moment and define what exactly I want to accomplish by having my firm on social networking sites. While it is true that I “jumped on the bandwagon” in some of my earlier blogs to somewhat direct clients to my business, that is no longer going to be our practice.
As I search the social media sites i have found that nothing seems more disingenuous than a “legal” blog or post that does nothing more than cite a statute then directs the reader to hire that firm. To me thats kinda like a stock broker having a “financial” blog then just posting stock prices.
With my blogs and posts id like to generate meaningful thought about issues of law. Sometimes i post my opinion, other times i post the opinion of others. In either event the purpose is to drive one to meaningful reflection on the law - not to my office.
Of course some posts will focus on legal definitions and hard to understand statutes but the main course will be about educating and teaching the lay person on different aspects of the law.
I also wish to encourage discussion. In one of the blogs i found similar to the ones mentioned previously, an attorney had completely posted the wrong law. A new law had just recently changed the law he/she had blogged about and i attempted to comment on his blog post. However, when i went to post a comment i was prompted to give all sorts of contact information before i would even be allowed to post a comment. That being said, i encourage those who read my blogs/posts to comment freely on them. Positively or Negatively. Feel free to “like” or “dislike” as well. On that note, facebook does some sort of tracking that i do not fully understand and i look at it from time to time. There is one follower (identity unknown) who sees fit to “dislike” every single blog or post. That is fine too but if you are “disliking” my explanation of what the definition of being disabled is then you probably are just doing so to try and drive traffic away from my blog or website. So please lone “disliker” go do something more productive with your time. Rather, you should post why you dislike.
Also, please do not expect perfect or even nearly perfect grammar in my posts. I usually type these up early in the morning or late at night when the inspiration hits me. As long as its readable im not going to proofread for the appropriate participle.
Questions? Comments??
ok then,,, lets go!